Hey! I’m Effie, a designer + architect currently living in the Bay Area, California.

I am Master of Design student at UC Berkeley interested in creating objects and experiences that connect humans, machines, and the environment. Prior, I was an undergrad at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), where I completed both design and architecture degrees with a focus in sustainability. 

What I’m currently working on:
  1. Capstone studio project (coming Spring 2022)
  2. AMBULA: Predicting Implicit Interactions with Household Devices through Walking Trajectories (HCI research, ubiquitous computing)
  3. A cabin in the woods (bucket list item before turning 30)
  4. Poster designs on climate change and music playlists (something I do for fun)
  5. This website (updated Jan 2022)
  6. Myself (as always)

You can contact me here.